Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tunisia Hunt Ben Ali

It seems that former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali still could not sleep well in exile. You see, as the AP and AFP news on Wednesday (26/01/2011), Tunisian government actually issued an international arrest warrant for Ben Ali.

Justice Minister Lazhar Karoui Chebbi said, Tunisia asked Interpol to hold Ben Ali and his family who fled to Saudi Arabia earlier this month amid a wave of protests in the streets of the capital, Tunis. Chebbi said that Ben Ali will be tried on charges of theft of property and transfer foreign currency abroad.
Chebbi announced a national unity government as anti-government demonstrations continued in the country. The government also asked some members of Ben Ali, including his wife Leila Trabelsi, convicted. Most sources of anger against Ben Ali is a rumor that he and his family using his time in office to enrich himself.

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