Friday, January 28, 2011

Russian invested in IP-telephony in English

Once the IP-telephony in Russia was actually forbidden, Russian investors have paid attention to foreign operators.

The first was the Sistema, which bought British IP-telephony operator WaveCrest.

Sistema has announced its intention to become the controlling shareholder of the British company WaveCrest Group Enterprises. According to the concluded agreement between the parties, "System" will buy an additional share issue WaveCrest in the amount of 66% of the share capital of £ 20 million ($ 35.1 million). Russians invested funds will be spent on further development of the company.

WaveCrest provides IP-telephony services as operators and end users. The company's turnover last year amounted to $ 280 million to clients of the operator is 300 telecommunications companies from around the world, with a network of WaveCrest has points of presence in major cities: New York, Paris, Milan, Hong Kong and others.

With end-users WaveCrest working in the UK and Ireland. Operator services can be used from fixed and mobile phones using special access numbers or calling cards. WaveCrest customers roaming is also available in other countries via "Callback" which works as follows: the subscriber is, for example, in Russia, calling the number in the UK. In this connection, just install, immediately terminated and the service automatically calls back the client, and that in the tone mode is gaining the desired position number.

Meanwhile, in Russia after the adoption of new rules for the activities of IP-telephony operators was outlawed. To legit, they need to become a dealer of traditional telephone operators, but this led to the price of calls through the ranks of popular IP-telephony cards have recently risen to several tens of percent. The same operators who continue to work the old-fashioned in some regions with the filing of the traditional telephone companies are already interested in law enforcement. And check affect not only the operators themselves, but also dealers who sell their cards.

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