Thursday, January 27, 2011

Opportunity Sky Avoid Disaster

Momentarily, the big cities on the east coast of mainland China, from Shenzhen, Guangzhou Province, south to Qingdao, Shandong Province, in the north, began to quiet abandoned. Hundreds of millions of people rushing to meet the train and bus stations, airports, home to their respective villages to celebrate the Lunar New Year, Spring Festival is a national holiday for two weeks.

Manufacturing factories and offices began to empty there is no activity. Metropolitan cities, like Shanghai, Qingdao, and others, like an abandoned ghost town. Suddenly, the giant engine of economic and trade producing a variety of consumer products, machinery technology, and the world's largest foreign exchange pause a break in the middle of mainland China's cold weather. 


China again became the main focus of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which begins today. This year the debates about China in this forum are the challenges to be faced by the revival of this superpower. For 20 years following the development of China's close, always raises the question each time around the country with a population of more than 1.3 billion people.

"How do we compete with countries that are managed like a company?" Until the end of 2010, China's foreign exchange reserve reached 2.8473 trillion U.S. dollars. We witnessed the vibrant country that defined the work and the desire "to do", "could be solved", and "everyone working together" to work on various projects.

This attitude that produces a variety of gigantic infrastructure, highway that connects the various provinces, railway lines that have been developed with superfast train, giant dams, even sent people into space.
It is China that we will face in the future.

It seems there is no way, including the U.S. superpower for decades did not have the ability to compete with China. There will be no country, including countries with a high potential for revival, such as Brazil, India, and Russia, with their own strength to compete with China.

The only hope is to wait for the failure of China because of weakness. China faces the potential problem that would worry anyone, from inflation, rising property prices, up to the possibility of widening rich-poor gap that threatens social stability.

In international forums, in recent years we see a more realistic approach made China's leaders. Now that Chinese banks are the largest borrowers compared with the World Bank, especially to developing countries. In fact, in Europe, China also promised to help the euro zone and to sign investment and trade in billions of U.S. dollars.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, "Shi bu zhi xing, qi shou fan." If denied the opportunity of the sky, appears catastrophe. The Chinese people believe that modernization and economic progress they are opportunities, opportunities that continue eliminating poverty, including placing himself as a dignified country after hundreds of years of humiliation big countries. And the Chinese Communist Party also understands the opportunity Sky

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