Friday, January 28, 2011

In Cairo, police dispersing the protests with tear gas

In Cairo, police clashes with thousands of protesters demanding the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak and his cabinet.

To disperse the protesting guards used water cannons and tear gas in response to these flying rocks.

Mass protests were held in the port cities of Suez and Alexandria.

Egyptian authorities expect mass demonstrations, and the power structures of the country since Friday morning have been put on high alert.

"Drastic measures"

The Government of Egypt expresses its openness to dialogue, but at the same time warned: if the violence observed in the previous three days, will resume, the government will respond decisive measures.

It is reported that in a country disrupted Internet and mobile communications. There were also reports that during the night had been arrested several prominent opposition leaders.

Opposition demands resignation of the ruling Egypt for nearly 30 years of President Hosni Mubarak.

82-year-old president did not appear in public since Tuesday, when the mass demonstrations, but sources BBC in political circles have reported that security officials reported to Mubarak that can suppress the unrest of any scale.

"Muslim Brotherhood"

The Egyptian government does not tolerate opposition and almost always prevents the opposition demonstrations. Especially hard power struggle with Islamist organization the Muslim Brotherhood. "

The lawyer representing the interests of activists of the group, told BBC that during the night, several dozen of its members were arrested. A Reuters source in law enforcement agencies, said: "We have orders to sweep" Brothers. "

"The Muslim Brotherhood is officially banned, but despite this, remain the largest and most organized opposition force in Egypt.

New mass demonstrations may take place after Friday prayers. They promised to join returning to Egypt on Thursday won the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei.

Example Tunisia

The protest movement was inspired by an example of "jasmine revolution" in Tunisia, which led to the expulsion of the authoritarian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Opposition activists say that authorities had violated the work of social networks including Facebook and Twitter, and turn off the mobile internet and sms messages.

According to the Associated Press news agency on the streets of Cairo's elite fighters spotted counterterrorism. They secured the key places where previously focused protesters.

Since the early demonstrations in the country have killed at least seven people. To 1000 were arrested.

Egypt is a key U.S. ally in the Arab world, and Washington commented on what is happening in this country care.

Nevertheless, Barack Obama said that the protests are the result of "dissatisfaction with crushed" and called on Mubarak to start political reform.

Expert Opinion: Jonathan Marcus

"In 1960, Egypt was the most active player in the Arab world, playing a key role both in diplomacy and in military field.

Furthermore, it is Egypt was the cradle of the ideas of Arab identity and nationalism that the country is actively disseminated to other countries in the Middle East region.

Today, more than half a century later, the strategy for the Middle East is largely determined by three non-Arab countries: Israel, Turkey and Iran.

However, to write off Egypt impossible and not only because of interest in his stories. Due to the size of its territory and military power of the country plays a violin in the region.

In addition, Egypt is one of the key Middle Eastern allies of Washington, second only to Israel, which receives more U.S. military aid.

Egypt is experiencing the same problems that most countries in the Middle East and North Africa: poverty, increase the share of young population and rising unemployment in the absence of democratic freedoms.

But if, for example, in Tunisia, overthrew the president and this is probably all finished and then the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak may have more serious consequences.

The main question arising on the background of all that is happening these days in Egypt: who stands at the helm, if the government Mubarak really fall?

For Tunisia, the question remains open in the near future is unlikely to be resolved.

Changes in Egypt, happen they actually feel and Washington.

Whether the tucked chance to seize power, Egyptian Islamists? Will the chaos, or interfere with the troops and provide the procedure?

While it is too early to talk about. But the hype has risen in MIDah different countries, including those far outside the region, it is quite understandable. "

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